Photo credit: Christine Refalo, Courtesy: Fondation Salomon. Art Contemporain
Born 1973 in Marseille, France
Lives and works in Paris, France
1997 - 1999Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, ZurichSelected solo exhibitions
2025YANA. You Are Not Alone,FRAC Occitanie,MontpellierSelected group exhibitions
2025Explicite lyrique,Marcelle Alix,ParisAnne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Post Modern Classic
Spray paint on Summer dress
approx. 102 x 70 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Peinture poubelle 1)
Spray paint on canvas, plastic bottles, a plastic cup, a glass bottle, masks and other stuff the artist throwed on the installation
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Chains structure 1
Spray paint on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Chains structure 3
Spray paint on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Shirt Outline Purple)
Spray paint on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Peinture poubelle 3)
Spray paint on canvas and on cotton shirt, masks, pomegranate, plastic packaging of mask and other stuff the artist throwed on the installation
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Pullover and colour spray)
Spray paint on beige pullover
approx. 68 x 73 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Jacket in rainbow colours)
Spray paint on cotton jacket
approx. 127 x 68 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Black Chain Circle
Spray paint on canvas
100 x 80 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Petite branche d'eucalyptus
Spray paint on canvas
100 x 80 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Spray paint, pastel and pencil on canvas
22 x 23 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Peinture poubelle 4)
Spray paint on canvas and on cotton shirt, plastic bottles, masks, steel chain and other stuff the artist throwed on the installation
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Shirt and Black spray)
Spray paint on white cotton shirt
approx. 81 x 48 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Chains structure 2
Spray paint on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Peinture poubelle 2)
Spray paint on canvas, plastic bottles, masks, cables and other stuff the artist throwed on the installation
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Tree)
Spray paint on canvas
approx. 199 x 164 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Je t'aime
Spray paint on canvas
approx. 207 x 165 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Post Modern Classic, 2022; Montpellier, MO.CO Panacée, SOL! La biennale du Territoire. #1 Un pas de côté, 2021.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
La mort en rose
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
158,5 x 111,5 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne
Oil and lacquer on canvas
160 x 180 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
LOVE international
Airbrush, oil, pastel and lacquer on canvas
159 x 160,5 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Le désespoir
Oil, pastel and lacquer on canvas
179 x 158 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Airbrush and oil on canvas
180 x 160 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
FUCK la mort (peeing on a skull)
Oil and pastel on canvas
180 x 159 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Crâne I (purple sun)
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
158,5 x 174,5 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Crâne II (two tears)
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
158,5 x 175,5 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Crâne III (orange mountains)
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
159,5 x 117,5 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Crâne V (the stairs)
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
159 x 130 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
158,5 x 146 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
dead and alone
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
54 x 46,5 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
53 x 49,5 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Crâne en bleu, dans ma chambre et dehors
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
158 x 147,5 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
25,5 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Anne Lise Coste vit encore
Airbrush, oil and pastel on canvas
46 x 51 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne (Your Skull, My Skull), 2018
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Mon amie la Mort
Oil on canvas
33 x 24 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
I don't care
Oil on canvas
55 x 45 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Fuck Security
Airbrush and gesso on canvas
27 x 22 cm
Exhibited: Rom, Studioli, Tender Comrades, 2017
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Eight Blue Bottles
Airbrush on paper
70 x 50 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Flowers and Flowers III
Airbrush on paper
70 x 50 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Flowers and Flowers VII
Airbrush on paper
70 x 50 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Three Bottles
Airbrush on paper
Paper: 70 x 50 cm, framed: 82,5 x 62,7 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. L‘art de la joie, 1967-1976, Goliarda Sapienza, 2016
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
After the. II
Acrylic on paper
70 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
After the. VI
Acrylic on paper
70 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
After the. V
Acrylic on paper
70 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
After the. III
Acrylic on paper
70 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
After the. IV
Acrylic on paper
70 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
After the. VII
Acrylic on paper
70 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
After the. VIII
Acrylic on paper
70 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Be Sure of One Thing
Airbrush on paper
76 x 56 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Self Portrait with Paris
Airbrush on paper
50 x 65 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Airbrush on paper
65 x 50 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Call Me
Spray paint and acrylic on canvas
50 x 40 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Skulls, Pottery and Bottles
Airbrush on paper
50 x 65 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Le pouvoir des fleurs II
Airbrush and acrylic on canvas
40,5 x 30 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Le pouvoir des fleurs
Airbrush and acrylic on canvas
36 x 27 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Airbrush on canvas
35,7 x 27,6 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, "Old" Masters, 2021; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Living With MORE Art, 2013.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
L'Artiste (in four parts)
Spray paint on canvas
Each 35 x 45,5 cm
Exhibited: Rom, Studioli, Tender Comrades, 2017; Zurich, Kantonsschule Zürich Nord, Blackbard – White Page, 2014.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Art et Politique
Tape and vinyl letters on painted canvas
40,5 x 31 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Le taureau (from the series Guernica. A work in 12 parts)
Airbrush and gesso on canvas
152,4 x 121,9 cm (60 x 48 in)
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, "Old" Masters, 2021
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
L'appel (from the series Guernica. A work in 12 parts)
Airbrush and gesso on canvas
152,4 x 121,9 cm (60 x 48 in)
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, "Old" Masters, 2021
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Le cri I (from the series Guernica. A work in 12 parts)
Airbrush and gesso on canvas
152,4 x 121,9 cm (60 x 48 in)
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, "Old" Masters, 2021
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
dans une douceur
Pencil and watercolour on paper
66 x 51 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Living With a LOT of Art, 2014
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Pencil and watercolour on paper
66 x 52 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Living With a LOT of Art, 2014
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
France Go Home
Acrylic on paper
29 x 23 cm, unframed
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, FLAG, 2024
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Airbrush and acrylic on canvas
180 x 140 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, 2009
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Airbrush and acrylic on canvas
180 x 140 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, 2009
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Post Guerica
Airbrush and acrylic on canvas
157,5 x 210 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
oh oh i'm alone
Airbrush and acrylic on canvas
59 x 66 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Hospitalhof Stuttgart, DU UND ICH, 2016; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, 2009.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
je je je
Airbrush and acrylic on canvas
42 x 96 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, 2009
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Black Figure 2)
Ink on paper
65 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Body, 2017
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Two Black Figures)
Ink on paper
65 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Body, 2017
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Two Black Figures 2)
Ink on paper
65 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Body, 2017
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Black Figure 3)
Ink on paper
65 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Body, 2017
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Untitled (Black Figure 4)
Ink on paper
65 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Body, 2017
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
time (merde)
Acrylic on paper
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, unframed
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020; Sète, Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain Occitanie, La vie en rose, 2019; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. qui suis-je, 2007.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
je te tue
Ink on paper
65 x 50 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020; Sète, Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain Occitanie, La vie en rose, 2019; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Body, 2017.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Le rouge et le noir
Airbrush on paper
176 x 124 cm
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Am 2 ("am" wall installation in 4 parts)
Ink, airbrush and watercolour on paper
Complete work: 130 x 380 cm, each paper: 130 x 95 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Summer Break. Behind Closed Doors, 2023; Porto, Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Institutional and Poetic Violence, 2008.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
merde police encore
Chinese ink and pencil on paper
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, framed: 32,2 x 23,4 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020; Sète, Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain Occitanie, La vie en rose, 2019; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. qui suis-je, 2007.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
You really Believe in the French touch
Ballpoint pen and watercolour on paper
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, framed: 32,2 x 23,4 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, FLAG, 2024; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Anne-Lise Coste. qui suis-je, 2007.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
(maybe i will feel) better (From Tristesse et Beauté)
Indian ink on paper
130 x 95 cm
Exhibited: Lingen, Kunsthalle Lingen, Parmi les singes et les signes, 2006
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
oh oh les larm (From Tristesse et Beauté)
Indian ink on paper
Paper: 130 x 95 cm, framed: 140 x 100 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, i don't care, 2015; Porto, Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Institutional and Poetic Violence, 2008; Detroit, MoCAD, Museum of Contemporary Art, Words Fail Me, 2007-2008; Lingen, Kunsthalle Lingen, Parmi les singes et les signes, 2006.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
m m m (in orange)
Airbrush on paper, unframed
130 x 95 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Summer Break. Behind Closed Doors, 2023; Sète, Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain Occitanie, La vie en rose, 2019; Annecy, La Fabric. Fondation Salomon Art Contemporain, Anne-Lise Coste. SORS LE MONDE, 2019.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
you just push me down (from Tristesse et Beauté)
Indian ink on paper
130 x 95 cm, framed: 140 x 100 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Summer Break. Behind Closed Doors, 2023; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, i don't care, 2015; Porto, Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Institutional and Poetic Violence, 2008; MoCAD, Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit, Words Fail Me, 2007-2008; Lingen, Kunsthalle Lingen, Parmi les singes et les signes, 2006.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
maybe i will feel (from Tristesse et Beauté)
Indian ink on paper
130 x 95 cm, framed: 140 x 100 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Summer Break. Behind Closed Doors, 2023; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, i don't care, 2015; Porto, Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Institutional and Poetic Violence, 2008; MoCAD, Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit, Words Fail Me, 2007-2008; Lingen, Kunsthalle Lingen, Parmi les singes et les signes, 2006.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Fuck la Police
Collage on paper, framed
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, framed: 32,2 x 23,4 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020; Sète, Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain Occitanie, La vie en rose, 2019.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
jaune et or turbulence
Airbrush on paper, framed
100 x 70 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Santa's Selection, 2016; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Fallen from Grace, 2003.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
turbulence jaune et rose
Airbrush on paper, framed
100 x 70 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Santa's Selection, 2016; Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Fallen from Grace, 2003.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Pencil on paper, framed
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, framed: 32,2 x 23,4 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020; Sète, Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain Occitanie, La vie en rose, 2019.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Spray paint on paper, framed
Paper: 29,5 x 21 cm, framed: 35,6 x 26,6 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
The T-Shirt
Pencil and coloured pencil on paper
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, framed: 32,2 x 23,4 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, FLAG, 2024
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Coloured pencil and acrylic on paper, framed
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, framed: 32,2 x 23,4 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, MAD AS HELL. Decades of Protest, 2020
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
Pencil and coloured pencil on paper
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, framed: 32,2 x 23,4 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, FLAG, 2024; Sète, Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain Occitanie, La vie en rose, 2019.
Anne-Lise Coste (*1973)
das unendliche All
Coloured pencil on paper
Paper: 29,7 x 21 cm, framed: 32,2 x 23,4 cm
Exhibited: Stuttgart, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, FLAG, 2024
Solo Exhibitions
Group Exhibitions
Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff
Paulinenstr. 47
D – 70178 Stuttgart
Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 1 – 6 p.m.
and by appointment