Oh no, a shit again
-merde à elle @ p o m p i d o u-
1, 4, 60 women exhibiting together:
-female art
-female artists
-female positions
1, 4, 60 men exhibiting together:
notice im not a gorrilla girl cause i would have refused to participate to the exact something i m try to fight for: the putting in a box way of thinking.
and im sad too for all the others who accepted to put their often super quality works in that 10000steps back exhibition.
such shows gives litterally tears.
anyway it will change isn‘t ?
bravo to those who said no.
(Anne-Lise Coste)
Anne-Lise Coste wurde 1973 in Marseille geboren und lebt und arbeitet heute in Zürich, Berlin und New York. Aktuelle Einzelausstellungen umfassen „Liberty“ bei Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam (bis 10. Oktober), „Merde merde merde, you + you + you, tell me tell me tell me“, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Detroit, den Project Space der Anton Kern Gallery, New York (alle 2009) sowie „Institutional and Poetic Violence“, Museu Serralves, Porto (2008). „to Molly et Twombly“ ist die vierte Einzelausstellung von Anne-Lise Coste in der Galerie Reinhard Hauff in Stuttgart.
Oh no, a shit again
-merde à elle @ p o m p i d o u-
1, 4, 60 women exhibiting together:
-female art
-female artists
-female positions
1, 4, 60 men exhibiting together:
notice im not a gorrilla girl cause i would have refused to participate to the exact something i m try to fight for: the putting in a box way of thinking.
and im sad too for all the others who accepted to put their often super quality works in that 10000steps back exhibition.
such shows gives litterally tears.
anyway it will change isn‘t ?
bravo to those who said no.
(Anne-Lise Coste)
Anne-Lise Coste was born 1973 in Marseille and lives and works in Zurich, Berlin and New York. Recent solo exhibitions include „Liberty“ at Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam (till 10th october), „Merde merde merde, you + you + you, tell me tell me tell me“, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Detroit, the Project Space of Anton Kern Gallery, New York (all in 2009) and „Institutional and Poetic Violence“, Museu Serralves, Porto (2008). „to Molly et Twombly“ is the fourth solo-exhibition by Anne-Lise Coste at Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart.
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Exhibition view: Anne-Lise Coste, to Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, 2009
Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff
Paulinenstr. 47
D – 70178 Stuttgart
Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 1 – 6 p.m.
and by appointment
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