16.03.2018 - 25.03.2018
BMW Tate Live Exhibition Joan Jonas with Jason Moran: 16. + 17.03.2018 at 7 – 10 pm and Joan Jonas: Early Works: 20. + 21.03.2018, at 7 – 10 pm.
Tate Modern, London
This year’s annual live exhibition celebrates the work and influence of Joan Jonas, a pioneer of performance. Ten Days Six Nights 2018 features performances by Jonas together with the renowned jazz pianist and composer Jason Moran; Chilean-American artist Sylvia Palacios Whitman and Turner Prize winner Mark Leckey.
Explore free daytime installations in the Tanks including Jonas’s spellbinding installation „Reanimation“; two early sculptural works by Jonas and a new work by Jumana Emil Abboud drawing on Palestinian folklore and fairy tales.
In addition to a ticketed night programme, you can watch free performances of Jonas’s „Mirror Piece II“. At low tide the exhibition extends outside for a new version of Jonas’s performance „Delay Delay“, an outdoor ritual performed on the shore of the River Thames.
The live exhibition demonstrates the lasting legacy of Jonas’s work and its powerful impact on contemporary artists today. Tate Modern’s innovative BMW Tate Live Exhibition returns for ten days and six nights of free and ticketed performances and installations. (Photo: Joan Jonas „Reanimation“ 2010/2012/2013 Multimedia installation. Courtesy Joan Jonas and Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York/Rome. Photography: Thomas Müller.)
Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff
Paulinenstr. 47
D – 70178 Stuttgart
Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 1 – 6 p.m.
and by appointment