袁順 Yuan Shun wurde 1961 in Shanghai geboren. Er lebt und arbeitet in Shanghai und Berlin. In Zeichnungen, Gemälden, Installationen und Videoarbeiten erschafft Shun surreale Landschaften, die einen Raum zwischen Realität und Fiktion, Vergangenheit und Zukunft einnehmen. Shun ist vor allem für seine kahlen, planetarischen Landschaftsgemälde bekannt, oft rauchverhangen erinnern sie an Szenen aus Science-Fiction-Filmen. Seine Visionen seien, so Yuan Shun, „metaphysische oder symbolische Darstellungen des Kosmos“. Der Künstler entwickelt auch riesige Modelle von außerirdischen Landschaften und präsentiert zudem Performances, in denen er beispielsweise einen Museumsraum in einem Astronautenanzug durchquert. Die Bilder und Strukturen, die er kreiert, verkörpern psychologische Terrains, die meist auf die schnell wachsende städtische Skyline Chinas verweisen. Während seines Studiums am Art College of the People's Liberation Army beschäftigt sich Yuan Shun mit Yuan Sun Tzus Meisterwerk „Die Kunst des Krieges“, welches großen und anhaltendsten Einfluss auf seine künstlerische Arbeit hat.
In seiner „Mindscape“ Serie begegnet der Betrachter einer ganz anderen Herangehensweise an die zeitgenössische Tuschemalerei. Sie weist eine technisch bewusstere Selbstdarstellung auf, bei der die dramatisch grafischen Ausschläge Eruptionen in der Natur ähneln und oft von verstreuten Ideogrammen an der Oberfläche begleitet werden. Zweifelsohne sind Yuan Shuns Tuschemalereien technische Meisterleistungen (Robert C. Morgan, New York).
Ausstellungen (Auswahl):
2017: „Stress Field“. 4th Documentary Exhibition of Fine Arts, Hubei Museum of Art, China
2016: Riverside Art Museum, Beijing
2014: „Where we are now?“, 5. Marrakesch Biennale, Marokko
2012: „Of Bridges & Borders“, MACBA – Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires
2011: „Future Pass“, 54 und „Detournement“, 53. Venedig Biennale
2010: „Living in Evolution“, Busan-Biennale, Korea
2009: „Beijing Time“, Casa Asia, Madrid, Spanien
2008: „Meditations“, Biennale Posen, Polen
2007: „Have you eaten yet“, Asian Art Biennial, Taiwan
2003: „Rituale“, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2001: 1st Biennale of Art, Tirana, Albanien
1999: Haifa International Installation Triennial, Israel
1998: „Cities On The Move“, PS1 Contemporary Art Centre, New York
Projekte (Auswahl):
„Power Station“: 1999 Haifa Museum of Art, Israel; 2000 Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf und 2002 Artra Gallery, Mailand
„Mindscape“: 2006 Art Beatus Gallery, Hongkong; 2007 Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Beijing; 2008 Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf; 2009 Casa Asia, Madrid; 2013 PCdV Valparaiso, Chile; 2014 5. Marrakesch Biennale, Marokko; 2015 56. Venedig Biennale
„A hundred million years landscape“: 2011 Deutsche Bank Collection, Hongkong
„0“: 2008 Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Beijing and 2013 Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum, China
„Endless“: 2010 Busan Biennale, Korea and 2011 53. Venedig Biennale
„Mindland“: 2014 5. Marrakesch Biennale, Marokko
„Future Season“: 2015 Cipa Gallery, Beijing
Yuan Shuns Arbeiten sind in den öffentlichen Sammlungen der Deutschen Bank in Hongkong, der White Rabbit Collection in Chippendale/Australien, der Charles Jing's Collection im Shanghai Museum of Art, in der Sammlung des Beijing Riverside Art Museum, usw. vertreten.
袁順 Yuan Shun, born in Shanghai 1961, lives and works in Shanghai and Berlin. In drawings, paintings, installations, and video works, Yuan Shun creates landscapes that occupy a surreal space between reality and fiction, past and future. Depicting barren, planetary landscapes that are often smoke-shrouded and evocative of scenes from science fiction, Yuan Shun says that his visions are "metaphysical or symbolic representations of the cosmos." Primarily known for his paintings, Yuan Shun builds large scale models of extraterrestrial scenery and also conducts performances. In one performance he traversed a museum space in an astronaut suit. The images and environments he creates embody psychological terrains, and reference China's rapidly expanding urban skyline. Trained at the art college of the People's Liberation Army, Yuan studied Sun Tzu's 5th century BC Military treatice "The Art of War" and has described the book as a major and continuing influence on his work.
In Yuan Shun's "Mindscape" Series, we encounter an approach to contemporary ink painting, which is technically more aware of itself. Dramatic graphic thrusts and counter-thrusts resemble eruptions within nature, often accompanied by scattered ideograms on the surface circumventing the image. Undoubtedly, Yuan Shun's ink paintings are technical masterpieces. (Robert C. Morgan, New York)
Exhibitions (selection):
2017: "Stress Field". 4th Documentary Exhibition of Fine Arts, Hubei Museum of Art, China 2016: Riverside Art Museum, Beijing
2014: "Where we are now?", 5th Marrakech Biennale, Morocco
2012: "Of Bridges & Borders", MACBA – Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires
2011: "Future Pass", 54 and "Detournement", 53rd Venice Biennale, Italy
2010: "Living in Evolution", Busan-Biennale, Korea
2009: "Beijing Time", Casa Asia, Madrid, Spain
2008: "Meditations", Biennale Posen, Poland
2007: "Have you eaten yet", Asian Art Biennial, Taiwan
2003: "Rituale", Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2001: 1st Biennale of Art, Tirana, Albania
1999: Haifa International Installation Triennial, Israel
1998: "Cities On The Move", PS1 Contemporary Art Centre, New York
Projects (selection):
"Power Station": 1999 Haifa Museum of Art, Israel; 2000 Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf and 2002 Artra Gallery, Milan, Italy
"Mindscape": 2006 Art Beatus Gallery, Hong Kong; 2007 Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Beijing; 2008 Künstlerverein Malkasten, Dusseldorf; 2009 Casa Asia, Madrid, Spain; 2013 PCdV Valparaiso, Chile; 2014 5th Marrakech Biennale, Morocco; 2015 56th Venice Biennale, Italy
"A hundred million years landscape": 2011 Deutsche Bank Collection, Hong Kong
"0": 2008 Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Beijing and 2013 Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum, China
"Endless": 2010 Busan Biennale, Korea and 2011 53rd Venice Biennale, Italy
"Mindland": 2014 5th Marrakech Biennale, Morocco
"Future Season": 2015 Cipa Gallery, Beijing
Yuan Shun's works have been acquired by a number of public and private collections, such as the Deutsche Bank Collection in Hong Kong, the White Rabbit Collection in Chippendale/Australia, the Charles Jing's Collection at the Shanghai Museum of Art, the collection of the Beijing Riverside Art Museum, etc.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Yuan Shun. Time Chain, 2018, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff
Paulinenstr. 47
D – 70178 Stuttgart
Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 1 – 6 p.m.
and by appointment