1995 bestritt Stephen Willats die Gründungsausstellung der Galerie Reinhard Hauff. Seither hat die Galerie den Londoner Künstler und seine Arbeit kontinuierlich begleitet. Die Ausstellung CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS ist bereits die sechste Einzelausstellung von Stephen Willats in den Räumen der Galerie Reinhard Hauff.
Stephen Willats (*1943) gehört zu den Pionieren der Kontextkunst. In Abgrenzung zu einer überwiegend selbstreferenziellen Kunst verortete er von Anfang an seine künstlerische Arbeit in einem sozialen Umfeld. „By 1965 I had begun to map out what was then a completely new physical and social territory for an artwork to operate within“, erinnert sich Willats. „This was very much in the spirit of opening up the demarcated boundaries between separated disciplines which typified thinking.“ Seine Kunst entstand in der Auseinandersetzung mit Menschen und deren Lebensentwürfen; in „Territorien“, die mehr mit dem Leben als mit der Kunst zu tun haben; und in Lebensräumen, deren Struktur und Architektur das soziale Gefüge maßgeblich prägen. Dem angesprochenen Geist, den man auch als Haltung bezeichnen könnte, ist er bis heute mit beeindruckender Konsequenz treu geblieben. Eine ausführliche Erklärung zu Willats’ Gedanken über seine Kunstpraxis befindet sich auf der Webseite des Künstlers stephenwillats.com/context/.
The Galerie Reinhard Hauff was founded in 1995 and opened with a solo show by Stephen Willats. Since then, the gallery has continued to show the London artist. The exhibition CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS is now the 6th solo show by Stephen Willats in the gallery.
Stephen Willats (*1943) is one of the pioneers of Contextual art. Contrary to mostly self-referential art practices, Willats situates right from the very beginning his artistic work in a social environment. "By 1965 I had begun to map out what was then a completely new physical and social territory for an artwork to operate within" Stephen Willats remembers. "This was very much in the spirit of opening up the demarcated boundaries between separated disciplines which typified thinking." His art originated in the confrontation between people and their lifestyles; in "territories", which have more to do with real life than with art; and in habitats, whose structure and architecture shaped the social fabric decisively. Stephen Willats has remained remarkably consistent and true to this spirit, which can best be described as a personal philosophy, throughout his entire career. For an in-depth explanation of Willats’ thoughts on his art practice, we highly recommend that you visit the artist’s website stephenwillats.com/context/.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Exhibition view: Stephen Willats. CONVERSATIONS WITH BUILDINGS, 2016, Foto: Bernhard Kahrmann.
Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff
Paulinenstr. 47
D – 70178 Stuttgart
Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 1 – 6 p.m.
and by appointment